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Trauma Informed Awareness Day Youth Takeover: Dear Black Girl

Dear Black Girl

By: Michaela

The sun amidst the darkness

You walk with hesitance on the earth that birthed you

On the soil that nourished you

Ignorant to the power you behold

Unaware of your stripped innocence

Your name was stolen

You were dreadly marked upon arrival from the womb

“You are doused in the gravest of sin”

The tenderness in your spirit grew thin

Your supple skin shriveled at the slightest touch

Your hair brittle and cut

Black girl, you are the sun concealed by the greyest of clouds

Your heart creates rhymes replicating smooth jazz and echoing symphonies

That can only be felt in the depths of the soul

Through your skin I’d create stories and folktales the human brain couldn't imagine

Id help you see that your hair has a soul

It has mind of its own and it roams

Lingering and weaving its way to heal those it touches

Cry no more

Wipe those beautiful brown eyes

You are the muse

Black girl, you are the sun concealed by the greyest of clouds

You are your mothers prayer

You are the laughter of your daughters

You are the flow of your sisters hips on a friday night

Your grandmother's hopes and dreams

You are me

And I am you

Black girl, you are the sun concealed by the greyest of clouds

In order to accurately describe the experience of black women in my environment, I created a poem titled, “Dear Black Girl”. Although this poem was inspired by my own personal experiences and the memories of many other Black women in my community, the main inspiration for the poem came from a self-work reflection that surrounded the topic of identity.

During this exercise, I was able to question my own beliefs and step outside of my comfort zone to truly see how I see myself and how others see me. Unfortunately, with this came confusion and a common shame for my community because not all of the identities that I, or other Black women have, are widely accepted. For example, the race of a Black woman can largely impact how she is treated, viewed, and allowed to operate in society.

Throughout the course of the poem, reflections of triumph, self reflection, and self love are discussed in order to depict the process of growing up as a Black woman. Not only does the poem show the beauty of our racial identity, but the struggle it takes to recognize it ourselves given the stigmatism others place on it. Furthermore, the poem addresses the connections between community and family in Black families. Throughout generations, culture and physical features are passed down, and are unfortunately deemed “unattractive” because they don’t fit the beauty standards that we see in today’s media. Hopefully, with this poem I can shed light on how the expectations of the outside world affects the mentality and self confidence of most Black girls, and increases their insecurities.

Dear Black Girl

By: Michaela

The sun amidst the darkness

You walk with hesitance on the earth that birthed you

On the soil that nourished you

Ignorant to the power you behold

Unaware of your stripped innocence

Your name was stolen

You were dreadly marked upon arrival from the womb

“You are doused in the gravest of sin”

The tenderness in your spirit grew thin

Your supple skin shriveled at the slightest touch

Your hair brittle and cut

Black girl, you are the sun concealed by the greyest of clouds

Your heart creates rhymes replicating smooth jazz and echoing symphonies

That can only be felt in the depths of the soul

Through your skin I’d create stories and folktales the human brain couldn't imagine

Id help you see that your hair has a soul

It has mind of its own and it roams

Lingering and weaving its way to heal those it touches

Cry no more

Wipe those beautiful brown eyes

You are the muse

Black girl, you are the sun concealed by the greyest of clouds

You are your mothers prayer

You are the laughter of your daughters

You are the flow of your sisters hips on a friday night

Your grandmother's hopes and dreams

You are me

And I am you

Black girl, you are the sun concealed by the greyest of clouds

In order to accurately describe the experience of black women in my environment, I created a poem titled, “Dear Black Girl”. Although this poem was inspired by my own personal experiences and the memories of many other Black women in my community, the main inspiration for the poem came from a self-work reflection that surrounded the topic of identity.

During this exercise, I was able to question my own beliefs and step outside of my comfort zone to truly see how I see myself and how others see me. Unfortunately, with this came confusion and a common shame for my community because not all of the identities that I, or other Black women have, are widely accepted. For example, the race of a Black woman can largely impact how she is treated, viewed, and allowed to operate in society.

Throughout the course of the poem, reflections of triumph, self reflection, and self love are discussed in order to depict the process of growing up as a Black woman. Not only does the poem show the beauty of our racial identity, but the struggle it takes to recognize it ourselves given the stigmatism others place on it. Furthermore, the poem addresses the connections between community and family in Black families. Throughout generations, culture and physical features are passed down, and are unfortunately deemed “unattractive” because they don’t fit the beauty standards that we see in today’s media. Hopefully, with this poem I can shed light on how the expectations of the outside world affects the mentality and self confidence of most Black girls, and increases their insecurities.